Our Mission:

Unwrapping the

Manifold Grace

of God

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1 Peter 4:10


We believe the Bible is a precious gift given for all people. Yet to fully enjoy the riches of its beauty and the fullness of this gift, it needs to be unwrapped. We exist to assist in that process because Jesus said,

“Go and teach all nations…”


Carol, the founder, has taught Biblical Theology in churches and Bible schools in India, Nepal, Africa and Samoa. It was in these teaching settings that she realized just how scarce Biblical teaching material really is. Even students and pastors who are fortunate enough to attend a Bible school do not usually have access to teaching material. Students always asked if she had teachings available online — hence, the creation of The Bible Unwrapped website.

This is just our first step.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to open conversations about topics that are not often addressed which will help lead people to read and study their Bibles for themselves. We also want to provide resources for students of the Bible in places where Biblical material is limited. This material will be available for free through online and printed material.

Thank You!

Thank you for visiting The Bible Unwrapped website. We hope it has been a help and a blessing to you. If you would like support the project, the link below will give you access our secure site. All gifts are tax deductible. May the LORD God bless you and keep you.